Just had one very exciting day on Isaac Ezban's upcoming thriller Parallel. You can tell a lot about people by how they treat the bit players on a shoot: film sets can be the most hierarchical and unpleasant places this side of hazing week at Queen's Engineering. This, on the other hand, was hands down the nicest crew I have ever worked with, from the transport guy to the DOP to the gun wrangler. As usual, that kind of attitude starts at the top: the warm and lovely Isaac greeted me with a sweet little air-kiss, and led a round of applause when I wrapped. The American star I worked with – I'm not sure if she's meant to be a surprise, so I won't mention her yet by name – was also gracious and lovely, and it was a treat to work so closely with someone of her caliber. Everything from costumes to FX was handled with so much meticulousness, creativity, and pride... I think we're in for a real treat in 2017!
"Parallel" Lives
Director Isaac Ezban. Betteries not included.