Gearing up to rehearse And Bella Sang With Us for the Vancouver Fringe in September. This fast-paced historical adventure passes the Bechdel Test with flying colours and with Sarahs to spare: we initially had *four* of them in our rehearsal room, which made it feel like some sort of Presbyterian convent (or the world's most goyishe mikvah). In the interests of sanity, they have been renamed Sarah May (Redmond), Sarah Louise (Turner), Sarah Roa (her full name), and Rodge (Sarah Rodgers), for the duration. Sally Stubbs is around as producer and playwright, and stage manager Patricia Jiang is on hand to keep all that estrogen on the straight(ish) and narrow.
Our resident menfolk include assistant director Ian Harmon and ASM Kenta Nezu. Versatile SImon Webb rounds out the cast, playing all mankind. Simon should compare notes with dear Rob Fortin, who played The Men when we did the equally female-centric For Home and Country at the 4th Line Theatre. Or possibly with Chris Hemsworth from Ghostbusters... though at least our action-packed tale is unlikely to retroactively ruin the childhoods of any whiny American boy-men.