From the time I came to Vancouver in 2012, Ruby Slippers Theatre has been there for me. They’ve commissioned my translations: Rébecca Déraspe’s You Are Happy and Gametes; Christian Bégin’s After Me and Why Are You Crying? They’ve produced my translations: After Me (which won two Jessie Awards and received six nominations including Best Production) and Sébastien Harrisson’s From Alaska (premiering this season at Gateway Theatre). They’ve supported my successful application to the Glassco Translation Residency. And they’ve hired me as a director, for the Advance series readings of Gametes and of Natalie Frijia’s Go, No Go. Ruby Slippers is a crucial part of the Vancouver theatre ecology and I think that these brilliant new hires and residencies make them even more so. Thank you, Diane Brown, for the opportunity. And thank you to outgoing General Manager Meredith Elliott for your years of support… keeping it all together behind the scenes, the way so many women have always done and continue to do..