The Weight of Ants by David Paquet
[translated from Le poids des fourmis]
In this absurd and apocalyptic young-adult comedy filled with dazzling wit and wild imagination, two teenaged outsiders at “one of the worst schools in the country” seem to be the only ones who understand or care that the whole world is a mess. Joan copes by attacking everyone around her: Olivier retreats. But when they are forced to run against each other for student council, it unleashes their shared determination to change: both the system, and themselves. Winner of the 2022 Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama and the Playwrights Guild of Canada Tom Hendry Award
Cast size: Minimum 2F/2M with doubling. More than a dozen named characters.
Must-see play about the society in which we live… gives voice to a generation that is clear-eyed yet convinced, in spite of everything, that it can change the world..
– Marie Fradette, Le Devoir
The clash between generations, eco-anxiety, and the urgent need for change are tackled with enormous reserves of humour and absurdity.
– Passion MTL
Paquet's writing is as idea-packed and caustic as ever, shaking us out of our quiet despair.
– Nicolas Gendron, Strom Magazine
Balancing black humour and provocation with great elegance, David Paquet delivers a text full of finely-honed dialogue that packs a punch.
– Michele Chanonat, la revue Jeu
THE PRINCIPAL (on the intercom)
Hello. This is your principal speaking. Stop booing, I don't like you either. As you know, last year we were ranked among the bottom 10 schools in the country. In other words, we're a bunch of losers. The good news: I retire next year, so I don't care. The other good news: thanks to that list, we've received a special grant to help develop your blah-blah-blah… Which is why, today, we are proud to bring you the official launch of –
(sound of a cheesy party horn)
“Future Week”. Basically, we're holding school elections to make you think you have power. Then we'll throw a theme party to make you forget you have none. Excited? Me neither. Have a nice day.

Théâtre Bluff production directed by Phillipe Cyr, with Gabriel Szabo and Nathalie Claude. Designs: Étienne René-Contant (Costumes), Cédric Delorme-Bouchard (Lighting), Odile Gamache (Set). Photo: Yanick Macdonald.

Dalton Nelson as Olivier at the Canadian College for the Performing Arts (CCPA). Production directed by Jovanni Sy.

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